To see what others do not see To see the familiar in an unusual way It is the ability to solve problems using new methods that appeal to the listener and the viewer. Creativity is tremendous mental energy, innate in its foundation, social …
Brown Basbousa
Brown Basbousa Ingredients: Semolina cup A cup of powdered milk Half a cup of oil Two tablespoons of coconut Three eggs Half a spoon of eating baking powder and vanilla Method: Toast semolina, powdered milk, and coconut, then mix with t…
Sweet toast with Caramel
Sweet toast with Caramel If the tray is small, you need a box of cream caramel But if it is medium or large, two packages Cook the caramel as usual way, drink the caramelized toast and keep it to cool down and freeze in two dimensions. A…
How can companies implement digital transformation?
Digital transformation is a complex process, and it requires a well-planned strategy to implement successfully. Below some steps that companies can take to implement digital transformation…
How to understand women
How to understand women Understanding women requires active listening , empathy, and an open-minded approach. Below some tips that may help: 1. Listen actively: When women share their thoughts and feelings, listen attentively and try to …
Why men can not understand women
Why men can not understand women It's common that men can't understand women, but that's not necessarily true. Men and women are different in many ways, including how they communicate and process emotions. However, it is impo…
Paragraph about my mode vs world
The way we perceive the world around us is largely influenced by our personal experiences, beliefs, and values. The way we think can shape our perception of reality and the way we interact with the world. However, it is important to re…
Being a good manager
To be a good manager requires a range of skills and qualities, including: 1. Leadership: A good manager should have the ability to inspire and motivate their team to achieve their goals. 2. Communication: Effective communication is key to …
3 movie you must see to Understanding of marketing and branding
To Understand marketing and branding you must see this 3 movie The Founder syrup Thank you for smoking
How to read a book within one hour
R ead a book within on e hour First: Prejudge the book from its front and back cover to recognize the writer's orientation Second: Do not start reading until you have looked at the book index and have an idea of its content Third:…
هنا أفضل 16 محادثة ساعدتني في شحن طاقتي الإبداعية
ان محادثات تيد بالنسبة لي تعتبر من أهم مصادر التعلم و الإلهام كيف تجعل أفكارك قابلة للانتشار؟ How to get your ideas to spread…
Types of achievement
Types of achievement: Achievement towards the afterlife Achievement towards the world Achievement towards others Self-fulfillment
Social intelligence skills
Social intelligence skills: 1- Understand others 2- Express yourself 3- Confirming your needs 4- Feedback 5- The art of influencing 6- Resolving disputes 7- Cooperation 8- Change behavior
Success steps
Success steps: 1- Acknowledge the positive past 2- Positive self-talk 3- Discover your unique strengths 4- Vision for your life must created in log term 5- Define your goals and objectives 6- Use the power of imagination 7- Power of acti…
Principles of success
Principles of success: 1 / Clarity of purpose 2 / The guiding mind (intellectual paradise) 3 / Practical certainty 4 / Personal love
Success principles
Success principles - Clarity of goals - The Principle of a Directed Mind - Practical certainty - Lovable character - Going the extra mile - Personal initiator - self-discipline - Attention concentration
You become what you think
We are the merchandise of our thinking, whether negative or positive Beware of the standard of ideas Because it shapes our reality Watch your thoughts because they'll become actions. Watch your actions because they'll become …
social skills
social skills: 1_Understand others 2_ express yourself 3- Confirm your needs 4- Feedback 5_ The art of influencing 6_ Conflict Resolution 7- Cooperating in the work of intercourse, the strength of cohesion 8- Change behavior
Qualities of a successful interviewer
Qualities of a successful interviewer: - 1- Mastering the art of listening and listening to others 2- To be tactful in worship and dealings 3- To master calibration of others 4- To be calm 5- To be strong-witted 6- To work on self-control…
Corporate financial management strategies for post-Corona pandemic
Summary of Seminar: Corporate financial management strategies for post-Corona pandemic 1- Focus on financial liquidity (liquidity first) 2- Motives for liquidity determinants …